No one is in control of your happiness but you; therefore, you have the power to change anything about yourself or your life that you want to change.

- Barbara de Angelis

About Me

Friday, March 6, 2009

Rockin It Redneck Style

I've been to an NHL game, been to a concert, and by far I thought this was the funnest show yet. It was so loud, the crowd was totally into it, and it was just the place to be that night. I bought my girlfriend and I a ticket and we headed out together. The highlight of my night was when Nikki nugges me in the arm and says,
"Joelle, take a look around you!"
So I did, and honestly, all I could see was...camo, skullet and mullet haircuts, jean jackets better known as the "Canadian Tuxedo", and the construction color orange toque and vests. I looked at Nikki and said
"My kinda crowd!!"
It was so much fun, we drank beer and ate pizza and enjoyed the show. I was cheering for Gravedigger of course! The other trucks weren't even worthy of looking Gravedigger in the grill. Gravedigger drank from the cup that night, we had such a blast, and went and celebrated his win later that night Nikki and I at The Ranch. Another memory made....

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