No one is in control of your happiness but you; therefore, you have the power to change anything about yourself or your life that you want to change.

- Barbara de Angelis

About Me

Friday, December 18, 2009

Dear Santa,

I've been a very good girl this year, says grandma and grandpa (because they dont know any different ;), and I just thought I would send you my wish list for this year!
This to help me rest like sleeping beauty...(one can only hope :)

Him so that I can finally have my own!...

One of these so I can maybe someday live in that western dream home...

Maybe this will help eliminate the: " Take a left turn after Fas Gas, follow the loop de-loop, across the bridge and turn where?

A pair of these to survive this -35 weather might be nice....

These are always my absolute favorite...

If you could helpa' sista' out that would be simply splendid! Merry Christmas and say hi to Mrs. Claus for me :)



P.s- I will leave you a Brown Cow instead of just plain ole' milk on the table. Figured you could use a drink on your trip ;) I got ur back!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Krimmas :)

That time of year is hear...finally. I cant believe how late this winter came! She suited up and came in her bright and shining armour and made her first appearance with a chilling -32 degrees this morning! Hoki dina I tell ya :) This winter is going to be full of ski doing, toboganning, going to Candy Cane Lane (an area of Edmonton puts this on and its a street full of houses that go all out on the outdoor decorations...its spectacular!), family events, plugging trucks in, sportin' that marshmellow look, and lots and lotsa hot chocolate. Sounds purdy good to me :) Have a very Merry Christmas everyone!!!