No one is in control of your happiness but you; therefore, you have the power to change anything about yourself or your life that you want to change.

- Barbara de Angelis

About Me

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

It's Rodeo Season!

It's finally here! Rodeo season is in the works with the Camrose Spring Classic Rodeo (now a 3 day Rodeo) already finished.  Mark and I went for all 3 nights and it seems like our hometown Rodeo keeps getting better and better each year.  This year, Ken worked out a deal with a man he met up with and was able to get a huge re-play screen above the buckin' shoots for playbacks and crowd interaction etc and it looks amazing!

Friday night, one of my best friends Whitney (Clarence ;) ) Banks came down to spend the weekend with us.  We headed to the Rodeo and then out for drinks with more friends to the new and improved "Taphouse," which was formerly Caddies :) Saturday morning we spent lazing around the house, and that night we headed back out for the Rodeo and Cabaret. This year we had Burt Davis as our Rodeo clown who brought out the "Mutley Crew" who are a group of 10 dogs that he has picked up from the SPCA, has trained and turned into this absolutely fantastic intermission show.  The oldest dog is a 17 year old Chow (160 human years!!) and is the last of the original Mutley Crew.  This group of pups' was featured on the America's Got Talent TV Show!! After the Rodeo we went to the Cabaret which was of course a lil' to much fun ;).  We ended up being some of the last few to leave, and headed over to our friend Jason and Kristine Hastie's house for some more fun, and finally headed home to the farm.  Sunday morning we all got up, Mark's roommate made us some coffee (and Baileys hehe) and breakfast, and then we all piled in the truck again for the afternoon Rodeo finals.  Mark and I had such an awesome weekend with friends we haven't seen in a long time and its always good to get caught up with everyone again!

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