Ever year there is a quad rally that takes place every spring called the Loon Shit Run! That morning, I woke up at 6:15am and all I saw was snow outside!! Mark said we go rain or shine so I put my big girl panties on, hopped in the truck and hit the highway with him. Thankfully, by 9:00 am the warm sun came out and made for an absolutely perfect day for quadding. This year Layton came with Mark and I and holy cow did we ever have fun! We started out at Dave & Pam Omoth's house at Dried Meat Lake, ventured over the river, across the ice and into the trails to Edburg, down into the valley, found a spot to cross the ice again and then made our way back. Laurie and I rode together for the whole trip which was awesome she is such a cool mom who loves speed and mud! We made several beer stops and watched the boys wheelie the quads n' Side by Sides, play in the mud, and swim through sloughs. For lunch we stopped at one of Dave and Pam's friends place for a fire, warmed up, cooked some weenies and marshmellows and then hit the road home. I was the first back along with a few others, so we decided to pull some stunts on the ice. I hopped on Craig's quad and went rippin' around and started spinning the quad in circles...fast enough to lift the front right tire off the ice--so awesome. Then I flipped the quad and bruised my butt lol. With rosie cheeks and mud-caked faces, we all said goodbye and headed home for a good hot shower. Within 10 minutes after cleaning up, Mark and I were absolutely exhausted and completely passed out. Loon Shit Run 2011 was definitely a good time to get a lil' sideways and have some good laughs together :)

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